What’s the best way to bring highly qualified hot buyers to your business?

Brand Yorkshire

OK, so no prizes for guessing what my answer to this question is, but do you know why? Why I think LinkedIn™ is the best way to bring highly qualified hot buyers to your business?

I’m passionate about LinkedIn because I know what a valuable tool it is for business owners.

Having come from a business to business (B2B) background where I was generating leads for the sales teams and then starting my own business where I had to generate leads for myself, I quickly recognised that LinkedIn gave me everything I needed to generate leads at my fingertips!

What was particularly exciting was when I was a B2B Marketing Manager I had to buy in data which we then cold called, but with LinkedIn I could find who I wanted to work with, connect and message them - and get a response – all for free!

LinkedIn really is a gold mine for business owners and it’s why I’ve been passionate about teaching LinkedIn ever since. I mean if I can use LinkedIn to generate leads to grow my business, I can help other business owners do the same.

So, here’s just 3 reasons why I think LinkedIn™ is the best way to generate highly qualified leads for your business . . .

1. LinkedIn is the only social media platform that allows you to build relationships with people you don’t know and grow them into opportunities.

This means we can take people who are effectively strangers and follow a process of warming them up, so they get to know who we are, what we do and how we can help, and of course build that all important know, like and trust.

2. Next LinkedIn was designed for professional networking. With 32 million+ profiles in the UK alone it’s essentially one big database and LinkedIn gives us the tools to drill down and find the people we want to meet, making it one heck of a networking group!

This was a light bulb moment for one of my clients Karen, who realised “I can use LinkedIn just like any other business network. In fact, it’s also much more targeted than many business networks. For me it’s networking without having to kiss so many frogs!

Networking without having to kiss so many frogs! I love that description.

3. LinkedIn facilitates word of mouth referrals. It is working for you 24/7 in the background to support all your other marketing efforts. Let’s take networking for example.

It’s so now the thing that when we go networking, we connect on LinkedIn. It could almost be argued that LinkedIn is a prerequisite to networking and is the new business card.

The thing with LinkedIn is that it makes it easy for your network, the people you know and love you to recommend you and introduce you to people who have a need for your services. Those lovely word of mouth referrals that everyone wants.

LinkedIn can either help facilitate introductions really easily, as they did for my client Nigel who got 40 introductions from just 7 121s, OR people can direct their contacts straight to LinkedIn where they can then get in touch and ask for a call - just as these people did.

The key to success on LinkedIn™ . . .

As you can imagine, I talk to a lot of business owners about LinkedIn; business owners who want to get to grips with LinkedIn but feel overwhelmed by it, or are somewhat hit and miss in the way they use it so end up faffing rather than being intentional or just don’t know how to use it to their best advantage.

The key to success on LinkedIn is having a system and a plan that you can follow.

For me it’s not so much the time you spend on LinkedIn as ‘what you do’ in the time you do have. Or as Benjamin Franklin says, “If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail.

What you need is your own personalised LinkedIn action plan that you can follow consistently in 20 minutes a day or less to achieve your desired results.

Brand Yorkshire logoAnd this is what I will be sharing at the Brand Yorkshire Conference on October 6th. A step by step process you can follow in just 20 minutes a day or less to generate new clients into your business on a consistent basis.

Come along to Brand Yorkshire to join me and other speakers.

You can register here for free.

About Judy Parsons

Want to attract more of the right clients using LinkedIn? Know your ideal clients are on LinkedIn and feel you "should be using it" but have no idea where to start?

An independent LinkedIn trainer, speaker and LinkedIn marketing specialist, Judy works with business owners to unlock LinkedIn’s potential, so they Get Found, Get Famous and Get Clients on LinkedIn.

If LinkedIn isn’t working hard for you or you’re not sure where to start with using LinkedIn, email judy@judithparsons.com or connect with Judy on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/judithparsons.

Join the LinkedIn LoveIn Group to keep up to date with the latest LinkedIn tips and tricks.

LinkedIn LoveIns With Judy Parsons & Guests

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