Looking for an inspiring LinkedIn™ speaker?

Figuring out how on earth to use LinkedIn™ is the starting point to winning new business. But how do you know the right tips and tricks to make it work for you?

I love LinkedIn. And it’s even better when I get to share my hints, tips and tricks with business owners to help them figure out the best way to use the platform.

‘Sharing the LinkedIn Lurve’ is what I do as a LinkedIn speaker. I love the opportunity to stand up and share the ways to get found, get noticed and get clients that I know will work for you.

Judy Parsons The LinkedIn Lady speaking
Judy Parsons The LinkedIn Lady with book

What will you learn from me?

Business owners and professionals often find LinkedIn tricky to use. I know from experience that LinkedIn’s not always intuitive: it can be difficult to move on from simply sitting idle on the platform to using it to generate leads. I’ve made it my mission to help you and your business save loads of time and frustration with a great LinkedIn strategy.

As a LinkedIn speaker, I share my knowledge on how to make LinkedIn really work for you. At my events and workshops, I reveal tips that have truly worked for my clients, from making the right connections to huge business wins. Just a few of these snippets show you how to get your LinkedIn marketing strategy off to a great start.

I speak at events, host webinars and run workshops. If you’re looking for someone to share their LinkedIn tips and tricks, I’d love to chat.

Book me as a LinkedIn™ speaker for your event or workshop

I love opportunities to get out there and do my thing, either speaking live, webinars or running workshops. If you would like someone to speak at your event, please contact me at judy@judithparsons.com or via LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judithparsons

Thank you for your message. I will respond as soon as I can.
Judy Parsons

“Judy presented at our annual conference, and the session was exceptional. As a very non-salesy company it was important that we had someone that match our ethos, and Judy did just that. She came along with excellent knowledge, had researched exactly what we needed, answered every question brilliantly and the session was educational and interesting. We had some wonderful comments after the session.”

Director, Pink Spaghetti

Judy Parsons

“Judy’s workshop was truly enlightening. Everyone within my mastermind group got so much out of it. We all came away with a whole new perspective and so many new ideas to implement. Highly recommended to anyone who feels baffled by how LinkedIn can support them in raising their profile and growing engagement.”

Coach, TEDx Speaker

Judy Parsons

“I attended one of Judy's workshops and it's the only workshop I've been to when I took action as soon as I got back to the office! As a result of her help, I now get regular genuine enquiries that more often than not result in paid work for me, including a recent invitation to speak to 700 business owners about customer experience.”

Simply Customer